Here is a 30-minute workout for kids from 5-13 years old focusing on the core

Here is a 30-minute workout for kids from 5-13 years old focusing on the core:

Warm-up (5 minutes)

  • Jumping jacks: 20 repetitions

  • High knees: 20 repetitions

  • Butt kicks: 20 repetitions

  • Arm circles: 10 repetitions forward, 10 repetitions backward

Workout (20 minutes)

  • Plank: 30-60 seconds

  • Bird dog: 10-15 repetitions per side

  • Side plank: 30-60 seconds per side

  • Russian twist: 10-15 repetitions per side

  • Leg raises: 10-15 repetitions

Cool-down (5 minutes)

  • Stretching: Hold each stretch for 30-60 seconds


  • Perform each exercise in the workout for the specified duration.

  • Rest for 1 minute between exercises.

  • Repeat the workout circuit 2-3 times.


  • For younger children, you can reduce the duration of each exercise or the number of repetitions.

  • For older children, you can increase the duration of each exercise or the number of repetitions.

  • You can also add other core exercises to the workout, such as crunches, sit-ups, and V-ups.


  • Make sure that your child is using proper form for each exercise.

  • Encourage your child to breathe deeply throughout the workout.

  • Keep the workout fun and engaging by adding games and challenges.

Here are some additional tips for making the workout more fun for kids:

  • Play music while you work out.

  • Make it a competition to see who can hold the plank the longest or do the most leg raises.

  • Add some fun challenges, such as trying to touch your toes while you are in a plank position or doing Russian twists with a ball between your knees.

  • Make sure to take breaks when needed and drink plenty of water.

Most importantly, make sure that your child is having fun and that they are motivated to keep working out.