Trampoline and Web Bed Repair Tips and Tricks #2

Steps to inspect a trampoline

Conducting routine trampoline maintenance is important. Follow these steps to ensure the trampoline in your gym is safe for all athletes.

1. Inspect the entire frame and make sure all bolts are tight. If any bolts have loosened, tighten them up.

2.Inspect the bed for tears or fraying fabric. A trampoline with tears or fraying fabric is quite dangerous. The bed of the trampoline can be replaced if the frame is in working condition.

3. Inspect the edging and springs. Inspect each spring to ensure none are over-stretched and all springs are properly attached. Replacement springs can be replaced if the frame is in working condition.

Regular inspection of your trampolines will keep all athletes safe.

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Trampoline Repair parts can be found here

6' x 12' Web Bed Elite Frame Trampoline
7' x 14' Straight Frame Trampoline
from $3,799.00